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30 Days of Tickets

For the next thirty days we are giving members tickets to country music's hottest shows. That means tickets to thirty different artists will be dropped in the app at different times each day. All you have to do is be the first one there to claim them for free!

The One Country

Ticket Drop

The ticket to the hottest shows of 2025

Every Tuesday and Thursday, we're dropping a limited number of tickets to see some of the country's top artists on tour. Claim tickets exclusively in the One Country App.

$15/Month 1C Club Membership
$4.99/Month 1C Club Membership
$55/Year Access an entire year of ticket drops + 1C Club Membership

Join The Club.
Claim Tickets.

Every Tuesday and Thursday, we'll drop a designated number of tickets to see top country artists that can be claimed on a first-come, first-served basis in the One Country App!* After claiming, our 1C VIP ticket concierge will facilitate the rest of the ticket delivery process. Scheduled drops happen every Tuesday and Thursday, but keep an eye out for surprise drops!

Get access

*Up to two tickets can be claimed per tour. This is not a designated One Country Sweepstakes or contest. This is a membership benefit available on a first-come, first-serve basis. You must be a One Country Club member to claim tickets.

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