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One Country Give Donates 10,000 Meals to Houston Food Bank

One Country Give Donates 10,000 Meals to Houston Food Bank

One Country Give will be kicking off its 50,000 meals in five weeks by first donating 10,000 meals to the Houston Food Bank, in order to immediately aid individuals throughout 18 different Texas counties that have been affected by the 2021 winter storm.

With many Texans having to rely on the food bank due to the impact of the recent winter storm, including families who were already struggling with food insecurity- the Houston Food Bank has been working alongside communities to directly respond to their needs.

Since 1982, the Houston Food Bank has been distributing food and other essentials to those in need through a network of 1,500 community partners to help fill the 1.1 million food insecure gap across southeast Texas.

In 2015, the Houston Food Bank received recognition as food bank of the year, the highest award a food bank can receive among the 200 Feeding America members across the U.S.

You can learn more information about the Houston Food Bank and how you can help volunteer, donate or are in need of winter storm 2021 relief here

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