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October 2020's $100,000 Winner, Teresa D.

October 2020's $100,000 Winner, Teresa D.

We were thrilled to award Teresa D. as our October 2020 $100,000 winner! 

"I can't believe this! You know, this is my dream," Teresa said. 

She was in such disbelief, that she went on to ask us if we were sure that she was the winner an extra couple of times after we shared the exciting news with her. Teresa plans on using the money to buy a new house for her four children.

"This is a really big help," Teresa said. 

And when we asked her why she wanted to join the One Country team, Teresa said it's because she also loves to help.

"Every time I browse through the internet, at the same time I pray that if I help, then maybe someday I can be the winner." 

Well, Teresa, it looks like your prayers were finally answered! Thanks for contributing to One Country and best wishes to you and your family. 

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